Configure Nvim with Lua: Keymaps (2)

4 min read, Published on Sep 20, 2022

One of the facilities that vim/nvim provides is the opportunity to create custom keymaps. In the documentation, which you can read at:


  :help mapping

In the vim/nvim documentation, we see that: “Key mapping is used to change the meaning of typed keys. The most common use is to define a sequence of commands for a function key”

They also explain that there are seven types of mappings:

  • For Normal mode: When typing commands.
  • For Visual mode: When typing commands while the Visual area is highlighted.
  • For Select mode: like Visual mode but typing text replaces the selection.
  • For Operator-pending mode: When an operator is pending (after “d”, “y”, “c”, etc.). See below: omap-info.
  • For Insert mode. These are also used in Replace mode.
  • For Command-line mode: When entering a ”:” or ”/” command.
  • For Terminal mode: When typing in a :terminal buffer.
:map :noremap :unmap Normal, Visual, Select, Operator-pending
:nmap :nnoremap :nunmap Normal
:vmap :vnoremap :vunmap Visual and Select
:smap :snoremap :sunmap Select
:xmap :xnoremap :xunmap Visual
:omap :onoremap :ounmap Operator-pending
:map! :noremap! :unmap! Insert and Command-line
:imap :inoremap :iunmap Insert
:lmap :lnoremap :lunmap Insert, Command-line, Lang-Arg
:cmap :cnoremap :cunmap Command-line
:tmap :tnoremap :tunmap Terminal

All this can be complicated, especially for those of us who are starting in this world, but luckily Nvim provides us with this nvim_set_keymap() function. As I tell you on all occasions, you can go to its documentation to learn more about its operation:


  :help nvim_set_keymap

With this function we sets a global mapping for the given mode. The parameters it accepts are:

mode Mode short-name (map command prefix: “n”, “i”, “v”, “x”, …) or ”!” for :map!, or empty string for :map.
lhs Left-hand-side lhs of the mapping.
rhs Right-hand-side rhs of the mapping.
opts Optional parameters map. Accepts all :map-arguments as keys excluding but including noremap and “desc”. “desc” can be used to give a description to keymap. When called from Lua, also accepts a “callback” key that takes a Lua function to call when the mapping is values are Booleans. Unknown key is an error.executed.

I think we can start to create the keymaps.lua file. The first thing we will do is create the file where the basic vim configurations will be, example: if we want to see the number of lines.

  1. We move to the nvim folder:
  cd .config/nvim
  1. Then, we create the keymaps.lua file (where we are going to put the custom keymaps).
  nvim lua/configs/keymaps.lua
  1. We create a function keymap for the nvim_set_keymap use:
  function keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)
    local options = { noremap = true }
    if opts then
        options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts)
    vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options)

We now use this function to configure our custom keymaps. The first example I want to put is how we select the all content of a file. By default it would be this:

  • We use gg to go to the beginning of the file
  • Then Shift+v to switch to VISUAL LINE mode
  • Then we use G to move to the end of the file, and the all content is selected.

So, we are going to configure other keys to execute the same task, I put Ctrl+a, since that combination is very common in other editors.

  -- Select all content in the file
  keymap("", "<C-a>", "gg<S-v>G", opts)
  1. Save it and test.

  2. Lastly, to use these keymap, we need to call the keymaps file in the main file (init.lua)

  nvim init.lua
  • Add this:

Also, we can add other configurations:

  -- Move text up and down
  keymap("v", "<C-j>", ":m .+1<CR>==", opts) -- Ctrl + j
  keymap("v", "<C-k>", ":m .-2<CR>==", opts) -- Ctrl + k
  -- Stay in indent mode
  keymap("v", "<", "<gv", opts)
  keymap("v", ">", ">gv", opts)

We have the directory of folders like this:

├─ init.lua
└─ lua
     └─ configs
            └─ options
            |      └─ init.lua
            └─ keymaps.lua


Now you can configure the keys as you prefer. I think that this way you are ready to continue with the configuration of your preferences. I hope it will be helpful for those who want to experiment with custom keymaps.
